Applicazione dei magneti al neodimio
I magneti al neodimio possono essere utilizzati per un'ampia varietà di applicazioni:I magneti al neodimio possono essere utilizzati per un'ampia varietà di applicazioni:
- Electronics – Sensors, hard disk drives, sophisticated switches, electro-mechanical devices etc.
- Auto Industry – DC motors (hybrid and electric), small high-performance motors, power steering.
- Medical – MRI equipment and scanners.
- Clean Tech Energy – Water flow enhancement, wind turbines.
- Magnetic Separators – Used for recycling, food and liquids QC, waste removal
- Magnetic Bearing – Used for highly sensitive and delicate procedures in various heavy industries.
Magneti al neodimio - Aerospaziale
Military and aerospace magnet requirements are often more stringent than consumer, automotive, industrial and similar applications because of the harsh environment to which the products are subjected such as extreme low and high temperatures, corrosive environment, vibration, radiation, vacuum and high pressures, etc.Magnetic products used in military and aerospace applications are often expected to perform flawlessly for extended periods and with little or no maintenance. Magnetic Component Engineering experience to manufacture high performance permanent magnets, magnet assemblies and magnetic components to your specifications. Certified to ISO 9001:2008, we provide quality magnetic solutions from concept, to prototype, through production.
Magneti al neodimio - Militari
Military and aerospace magnet requirements are often more stringent than consumer, automotive, industrial and similar applications because of the harsh environment to which the products are subjected such as extreme low and high temperatures, corrosive environment, vibration, radiation, vacuum and high pressures, etc.Magnetic products used in military and aerospace applications are often expected to perform flawlessly for extended periods and with little or no maintenance. Magnetic Component Engineering experience to manufacture high performance permanent magnets, magnet assemblies and magnetic components to your specifications. Certified to ISO 9001:2008, we provide quality magnetic solutions from concept, to prototype, through production.
Magneti al neodimio - Medici
The Magnosphere Magnetic Component Engineering facilities can provide you with high performance permanent magnets and magnet assemblies. MCE, an ISO9001:2008 certified company, provides quality magnetic solutions from concept to prototype through production at blazing speeds.Magneti al neodimio - Generatori e Motori
Neodymium magnets are used in electric car motor applications. From the motor that spins a DVD disc to the wheels of a hybrid car, neodymium magnets are used throughout the vehicle. The decision between Samarium Cobalt or Neodymium as a vehicle magnet is usually based on either operating temperature and/or corrosion resistance.Magneti al neodimio - Elettronici
Neodymium magnets are found in everything from computer hard drives, Sensors, sophisticated switches, electro-mechanical devices to headphones.Magneti al neodimio - Petrolio e Gas
Magnosphere magnetic products and systems are capable of handling the most demanding environmental conditions. Our design engineers are experts in designing both permanent magnet and electromagnet components and systems that are ready to tackle the toughest jobs. Typical inspection designs use Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB). NdFeB magnets are the strongest commercially available magnetic materials, both magnetically and structurally.Chi fornisce magneti al neodimio di alta qualità?
Magnosphere offre i migliori magneti al neodimio a prezzi globali a tutte le industrie, tra cui Automotive, Aerospace, Military, Advertising, Design House, Electronic e Academic / R & D. Si prega di informarsi per i magneti al neodimio personalizzati o per il montaggio magnetico.
Acquista ora: Magneti al neodimio online
Compra magneti permanenti o magneti al neodimio magnete calamita super forte a Magnosphere e otteni un migliore affare!
Shop online per potenti magneti al neodimio (NdFeB), in ferrite e AlNiCo. Se hai bisogno di magneti permanenti di tutti i tipi Magnosphere Magneti è il tuo partner ideale per la magneti permanenti online e la magneti ufficio così come per nastro magnetico e foglio magnetico. Enorme deposito di magneti, prezzi onesti, eccezionale servizio ai clienti!
Sulla sistemi magnetici puoi scegliere tra magneti pratici con foro svasato, filettatura e gancio, ideale anche per l'uso nell'industria. Prova il nostro servizio e non rimarrai deluso !!!
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ROHS-Linea Guida
Magnosphere conforms to the RoHs directive and the Reach and PFOS regulations. Directive 2002/96 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of January 27, 2003, on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

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